#007は「紙」×「インキ」×「印刷」×「ADVENTURE FESTA 2023」。
パピルプラスの紙とT&K TOKAのインキ5色で刷る10のアート
1 0 p i e c e s o f a r t p r i n t e d o n P a p y r u P l u s p a p e r w i t h 6 c o l o r s o f i n k f r o m T & K T O K A
7 : P a p e r x I n k x P r i n i t i n g x A d v e n t u r e F e s t a 2 0 2 3
Artist :
MAR2INA - 夢裡那兔
Robin Tang
Michael Chuah
Kikkouchan きっこうちゃん
“ K n o w i n g i s f a s c i n a t i n g ” A r t m a g a z i n e f r o m P L A N T x S a n k l a r l
Printing is fun! Printing has a strong impression of being mass-produced. However, if you pay close attention to the ink, paper, and printing methods it can become a
work of art. This Art Festa 2023 edition takes on the challenge of expanding the horizon of printing through the use of the unique and excellent Monte Alba paper from
Tokyo Paper Cooperative and by being very particular about the use of silver and super gloss from T&KTOKA. Please pay close attention to how and where silver and
gloss are used. The purpose of this free art magazine is for people to connect with printing through art and to connect with art through printing.
PLANT ART MAGAZINE strives to stimulate the curiosity of as man y people as possible. Hopefully reading PLANT ART MAGAZINE will encourage you to go one step
1 0 p i e c e s o f a r t p r i n t e d o n P a p y r u P l u s p a p e r w i t h 6 c o l o r s o f i n k f r o m T & K T O K A
7 : P a p e r x I n k x P r i n i t i n g x A d v e n t u r e F e s t a 2 0 2 3
Original characters are currently attracting attention from all around the world. This edition is a collaboration with the Taiwanese
art event Adventure Festa 2023. It features 10 character creators based in Asia who are active worldwide in the soft vinyl toy
and illustration fields. Please enjoy the world each artist crea tes for their original characters expressed through the Japanes e
printing company Sunklarl’s unique printing technique.
カラー(T&K TOKA)
Uses Monte Alba paper from Tokyo Paper Cooperative’s Papyru Plus brand
Monte Alba is a thick but lightweight, rough-textured, coated paper that combines a gentle texture with high whiteness and softness created through their unique process of reducing the number of fibers while keeping
the paper's thickness. Despite its firm thickness, it is extremely lightweight. Its rough texture, how well the ink applies, and the amazing color after the ink dries make it an excellent paper for printing. It even dries
quickly after high-density, multicolor printing like the printing technique used in this magazine of silver first, then process color, and then a thick layer of super gloss. Especially when super gloss is applied on top of
the color, the glossy feel is excellent, and the applied color becomes deeper and more beautiful. It is a wonderful paper that despite its high quality remains cost-efficient.
東京洋紙協同組合【パピルプラス】ブランド 使用用紙:モンテアルバ
Publisher : PLANT ART Collective + Sunklarl LLC
Planner,Editor : JAMWORKS + RJ Graphics
Producer : Koji Yata & Akio Takimoto
Artdirection and Design : Akio Takimoto
Printing : Sunklarl LLC
Selector : Charlie Yi / ART Lab OMM / Koji Yata / Rocket Jack
Translator : Mark Sugiyama
Special thanks : PAPYRU PLUS / T&K TOKA / Adventure Festa 2023 / DOOR Osaka / Playtoysforever.co.ltd